Meet Nigeria's Prolific Author And Finance Consultant, Ifeanyi Uba

Posted by Victor on Wed 19th Sep, 2018 -

Ifeanyi Uba is amongst many things, a financial services expert, social commentator and a bestselling author. His runaway hit series, 'Just My Luck' has had a lot of positive reviews. In this compelling chat with TORI NEWS, Uba discusses his journey into writing, explore tips on the craft and also, introduces fans to his latest books.

Ifeanyi Uba

Take us through your journey to becoming a writer and a finance consultant?

I have always had a love for words - spoken and written. I started writing at a young age and continued through the university. After I graduated from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, I worked directly in media for a couple of years, producing my own music and working on projects for other people.

Those were some of the most exciting days for me so far, because I got to meet and mix with some of the most talented people in the music industry. After that, I went to work in financial services where I remained for about 14 years, and during that time, I managed to write and publish five books. A few months ago, I decided to leave banking and start up my own firm as a consultant and author and that's about it.

I'm sure a lot of people will find it uncomfortable exiting a decade's experience in a banking sector to start up afresh. How did you know it was time to go?

When it's time to go, you will know. For me, it was a case of, I had grown far beyond my level in the industry and I had so many things I wanted to do before I became too old and stiff.

How did you get the inspiration to write the 'Just My Luck' series?

The 'Just My Luck' series is actually based (albeit loosely) on my growing experiences in school. The first book was based on my junior secondary school years. The second was based on my senior secondary school years and the third was based on my undergraduate years in the university.

I see a lot of names were mentioned and they seem like real people. Have there been situations where a person has called to frown at being mentioned?

Of course! What I do is, I might use some real first names but I change spellings of last names or use different last names. Altogether most of the characters who appear in my books love the way they are portrayed, but one or two people have actually called me out, however after I talk to them they calm down and start to see the humour in the stories.

Will there be another on the franchise?

Oh, definitely. Right now, I'm working on part 4 and the great thing about the series is that it gets more exciting as it goes. I might have to take out a page in a national daily to do a disclaimer on this one. Lol!

And then in your fourth book, you ventured into something different. The academics precisely, with 'Get Up, Get Busy and Get That A'. What motivated that?

That book was a thrill to write. My motivation is this; in school, I had a lot of academic problems. I had study, focus and communication problems. I never seemed to be able to do well in exams. But luckily for me, I managed to buckle up and turn it around. So, after I graduated, I decided I was going to write a book to help people like me who are struggling with their studies.

What has been the feedback out there?

It's been lovely! Especially outside the country.  I've been invited by several bodies in the US and in Europe to speak on academic excellence and personal effectiveness. kind of feels like being a rockstar.

What is the best advice you would give an aspiring writer?

Write! No matter how much you think you're not doing well enough, just keep writing. One day, you will write something that will turn it all around.

What's your latest book about?

The latest book is titled 360 DEGREE MASTERY. It's a book about personal effectiveness and self-mastery to help one master his or her work, business and finances

I'm sure there has been a lot of research put into this book. Can you take us through some of the processes?

Certainly. First, you need a topic or subject. For me, I usually base my books on concepts or precepts that I have fleshed out and mastered. Then, I begin to read up on the subject and gather materials. I talk to experts and gather more information. Then, I do a first draft and seek feedback. After this, I do a second draft and if necessary, a third and fourth draft. When I'm satisfied I have the work proof-read before I contact my publishing team

What are some of the challenges a writer usually encounters?

Quite a lot, especially in Nigeria. Some of them include content generation, poor reading culture, poor quality of publishers and printers, poor sales, lack of laws to protect intellectual material and many more.

These obviously affects the morale of a writer?

It does, but I have been lucky to have a family that loves and supports me. I also have friends that encourage me.

Is the conviction to just write enough for an aspiring writer?

Actually yes. The stronger the conviction, the more you will strive to make it.

As a Finance consultant, it must be difficult finding time to do a lot of writing. How do you find time to juggle all on your plate?

Well, you must make out time. It takes some sacrifice but I make do. Luckily, I have an understanding wife and a wonderful son.

Who are your favourite writers, and one book that you read, that changed your life?

I have so many favourites because I love books. I could spend hours listing them. Robert Ludlum, Arthur Conan Doyle, Piers Anthony, Stephen King, Clive Cussler, Ian Flemming. My favourite Nigerian writers, Chinua Achebe, Eddie Iroh, Cyprian Ekwensi, Wole Soyinka, Helen Ovbiagele, Valentine Alily,  Chimamanda Adichie, I could go on. But I think the book that changed my life and made me want to be a writer was Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

What can parents, teachers or society do to help cultivate the reading culture in our young people?

Incentives, funding and good content give young people reasons to read. It will also be nice to reward them when they do. We have dropped so low academically, that it will take a lot of funding and encouragement to revive the reading culture.

What are you currently working on?

I'm working on a video series to promote my books and my website for my consulting business and of course, a new book, 'Just My Luck 4'.

Any other thing you may want to add?

Yes, believe in Nigeria. If foreigners can fly me to their country to talk about my books, then I'm sure they will see more value in Nigeria if we show them the best of us.
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