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Woman Reveals What She Wanted To Do When Her Boyfriend Broke Up With Her

Posted by Amarachi on Wed 04th Dec, 2019 - tori.ng

A lady on Twitter revealed how she planned to frame her ex-boyfriend for murder after he cheated with her friend and broke up with her.




A Twitter user has shocked other users on the platform after she revealed what she did when her boyfriend broke up with her.

She said he was her first boyfriend and she was devastated, so she considered commiting suicide so he would be blamed for her murder.

Her revelation was in reply to a question asked by Twitter user @Oloni, regarding the craziest things people have done after a breakup.

She tweeted: "Was gonna commit suicide just to frame him for murder. The breakup was rough."

She added: "He was my first boyfriend and he cheated with a friend. Love makes you crazy."



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