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I'm So Happy To Have You As A Mother, I Appreciate Your Hardwork - Tiwa Savage Shares Message She Received From Her Son, Jamil

Posted by Amarachi on Mon 12th Feb, 2024 - tori.ng

Tiwa Savage reciprocated her son’s message with an equally adorable response, expressing her longing to see him and her anticipation of returning home to him.

Tiwa and Jamil

Popular Nigerian singer/songwriter, Tiwa Savage has shared the adorable message she received from her son, Jamil ahead of Valentine’s Day.

In the text message,Jamil expressed his pride in his mother and concluded by wishing her a happy Valentine’s Day.

“Mommy this is jamil and Im so happy to have you as a mother to me and I appreciate all your hard work and were praying for you back home and have a happy valentines,” he wrote.

Tiwa Savage reciprocated her son’s message with an equally adorable response, expressing her longing to see him and her anticipation of returning home to him.

“Awwww thank you Jam jam. I love you I so much and everything I do is for you. I can’t wait to be back home. I’m going to hug you s000 tight. YOU ARE THE BEST SON IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. My handsome lil papa Happy valentines my Son,
” Tiwa wrote in response.

This exchange beautifully showcases the strong bond between mother and son.

See Post Below;

Jamil's message

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