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Shock as Man's Dead Body is Found Floating on River Bank in Oshogbo

Posted by Samuel on Thu 15th Sep, 2016 -

The lifeless body of an old man has been found floating on a river bank sending panic into residents.

File photo used only for illustrative purpose
A 60-year old man identified as Elder Ebenezer Olabode, has been found floating on a river bank.
The man allegedly was swept away by Tuesday evening's flood in Osogbo, Osun State capital.
According to Daily Post, his lifeless body was, however, found floating on the bank of River Okooko in Oke Oniti area of the town the following day.
The victim was said to be returning home when he ran into the flooded street ahead of his residence.
One Thomas Onaolapo, told news men that the victim’s body was recovered by some Hausa men.
He said: “We all warned him to go back but he didn’t listen. After moving for few minutes, the intensity of the flood forced open the booth of his car and the flood caught up with him. Two people standing nearby made attempt to rescue him and one of them nearly got drowned in the process and we all became powerless.”
It was gathered that Olabode’s body has been deposited at the morgue of the State Hospital, Asubiaro.

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