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Baby Born Without a Brain Amazes Doctors by Celebrating his 2nd Birthday (Photos)

Posted by Odinaka on Wed 28th Oct, 2015 -

Baby born without a brain amazes doctors by celebrating his second birthday and says 'Mummy' for the first time after his mother was told he would die within days.

The 2-year-old baby Aaron and his Mummy, Emma
Just minutes after giving birth in 2013, 24-year old Emma, was told by doctors that her son, Aaron had a very rare health condition known as holoprosencephaly which they said left him 'incompatible with life'.
Aaron was born with only a brain stem, which allows him to breathe and move but does not have a full brain. 
Just minutes after giving birth in 2013
A brain scan carried out on Aaron had revealed only his brain stem had properly formed. He had Holoprosencephaly, a birth defect affecting the brain which occurs in approximately two in ten thousand births.
'I was absolutely heartbroken. He was hooked up to every machine and had a hat over his head so we couldn't see the size of it. I just sat by his cot rubbing his little hand. I was in total shock,' she said then.
This X-ray taken when Aaron was born, shows that his brain stopped growing when it reached the circled point. 
Emma was advised to invite her closest family to the hospital to meet her newborn boy before he passed away. But more than two years on, Aaron is not only alive but enjoys giggling and clapping his hands with his big brother.
Aaron has amazed doctors so far with his survival and the family were stunned when a few weeks ago, Aaron said 'Mummy' for the first time.
Aaron is adored by his big brother Jack
Emma said: 'When Aaron was first born, I was told there was no way he could survive. I was told he might live for three minutes, three hours or three days.

The doctors told me if it had been any of his other organs which had failed to grow, they would have been able to do something but they couldn't grow him another brain.

But right from the very beginning, Aaron proved he is a real fighter. And I was saying "mummy" to him recently and clapping my hands and he was giggling away.

He looked at me, and said "mummy". I couldn't believe it. I'd been told my son would only live for a few minutes, but now here he was saying 'mummy' which is something I never thought I would ever hear.'

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