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Too Funny! Husband Lists All the Things That Make His Wife Cry and Posts it on Social Media

Posted by Samuel on Tue 24th Nov, 2015 -

A man whose wife cries over almost everything has decided to make a compilation of things that can make his wife cry.

Aaron Cillies and his wife
Aaron Gillies, from London, noticed that his wife, Lex, was one of those people and decided to share his disbelief and amusement in the best possible way.

Mirror Online reports that Gillies is a 28-year-old who is also known as TechnicallyRon on social media.
The man wrote a nine-point list of things that had reduced Lex, 31, to tears. He then shared the list, headed, "Reasons my wife is crying", on Twitter and Imgur.

Alongside it, he wrote: "My wife cries at absolutely anything. I mean, ANYTHING."
The list reads:
"She found out swans can be gay and thought it was really nice."

"She was hungover and a picture of a piglet"

"I waited until it was dark and pretended to be the babadook"

"The fluffy bunny escaped from an artic foc in a documentary"

"There were no biscuits in the house"

"She remebered swans can be gay"

"I tried to hold her hand when she wasn't expecting it"

"I cooked her dinner after a hectoc day"

"She watched a video about a dog"

Aaron and his wife
Aaron's Twitter post has been retweeted 30,000 times, while his Imgur post has been viewed an astonishing 3.8 million times, with many voicing their approval.

One viewer wrote: "No woman, no cry brother."

Another added: "Your wife sounds so sweet!"

"This is the best list ever," wrote another.

Some people have suggested that Lex might be pregnant or mentally ill, but Aaron has been quick to set them straight, saying she "is just a crier".

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