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Infidelity: Laila Charani Shares Screenshot Of Alleged Whatsapp Chat From Estranged Husband, Ned Nwoko

Posted by Amarachi on Thu 09th Dec, 2021 - tori.ng

She shared a screenshot of an alleged Whatsapp chat in which her ex-husband allegedly threatened not to give her peace after giving her enough time to close her Instagram account.

Ned Nwoko

Ned Nwoko and estranged wife, Laila Charani

Laila Charani, the Morrocoan wife of billionaire, Ned Nwoko has shared an alleged screenshot of a Whatsapp chat from him after he released a statement saying she was unfaithful.
We reported earlier that Ned Nwoko said their marriage crashed after Laila underwent plastic surgery, spent money she was given for their kids' summer holiday in London on herself and also had a physical meeting with a "strange man" who she met on the internet in a hotel in London.

Laila has now shared a screenshot of an alleged Whatsapp chat in which her ex-husband allegedly threatened "not to give her peace after giving her enough time to close her Instagram account".


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