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Regina Daniels Excited As Son Recites Letters Of Alphabet (Video)

Posted by Amarachi on Thu 26th May, 2022 - tori.ng

In the video posted on Instagram on Thursday, the boy could be seen reciting the letters while Regina cheered him on in excitement.

Regina and son

Regina and son, Munir

Nigerian actress, Regina Daniels could not hide her joy as her 1-year-old son, Munir recited letters of the alphabet.

In the video posted on Instagram on Thursday, the boy could be seen reciting the letters while Regina cheered him on in excitement.

The 21-year-old applauded her son for his efforts and shared a kiss with him.

“Oooh my baby is reciting ABC  @princemunirnwokoSince he learnt, he just wants to recite and be clapped for I’m a super super proud mum….. every night it’s mama ABCD,”
she captioned the video.

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