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Regina Daniels 2-year-old Son Campaigns For Dad Ned Nwoko (Video)

Posted by Amarachi on Fri 09th Dec, 2022 - tori.ng

In the video, the young lad who was carried by Ned is seen chanting the PDP slogan to the people who were in attendance.


Munir Nwoko

Nollywood actress, Regina Daniels has shared a video of her 2-year-old son, Munir Nwoko, campaigning for his father, Ned Nwoko who is the Peoples Democratic Party’s candidate for the 2023 Delta North senatorial election.

In the video, the young lad who was carried by Ned is seen chanting the PDP slogan to the people who were in attendance.

Responding to his chant, the people replied, “Power to the people.”

Captioning her post, the actress wrote, “Mount Ned in Idumuje Ugboko is a home for all. This is the usual crowd at most hours. The gate of mount Ned is always open to the people.

“It is a place where men, women and youths of Anioma meet to demonstrate their constant support. I am always available to provide support and advice to the people.”

Watch Video Below;

Earlier in November, the 22-year-old shared on Instagram a video of two-year-old Munir greeting some members of the PDP in Delta State who paid a visit to his dad.

In the video, the boy who joined his father in welcoming his guests could be heard chanting, “Power to the people” while they echoed: “PDP”.

As the boy continued chanting the words, the party members laughed in admiration of his boldness.



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