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Kanye West Sued For Assault And Battery By Autograph Seeker

Posted by Amarachi on Thu 11th Jan, 2024 -

The man is suing for damages, claiming he's a victim of assault and battery and has suffered emotional distress.


Kanye West

American rapper and former presidential aspirant, Kanye West has been dragged to court for alleged assault and battery by a fan who approached him for an autograph in 2022.

The fan noted that the incident occurred at DTLA. He noted that Kanye said "I'm going to make a f***ing example of you," while referencing his divorce from Kim Kardashian, before hitting him.

He said after he asked Kanye for an apology, he responded by saying “Apology for what?” before allegedly striking him again multiple times and "severely injuring him."

The fan claimed that one of the people with Kanye told him to stop the attack, but he started shouting at them, and demanded they “go to the f***ing house and get my f***ing kids.”

The man is suing for damages, claiming he's a victim of assault and battery and has suffered emotional distress. His wife is also suing for a loss of consortium, essentially saying she lost the companionship of her husband as a result of the incident with Ye.

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