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Tourist Falls Out Of Train While Dangling Out Of The Carriage For A Selfie (Video)

Posted by Samuel on Thu 12th Dec, 2024 - tori.ng

The young woman was holding onto the railings and leaning back when her head got caught in some branches and she was quickly dragged from the carriage.


A horrifying moment unfolded when a tourist fell from a train after colliding with a tree while leaning out of the carriage to record a video.

The young woman was holding onto the railings and leaning back when her head got caught in some branches and she was quickly dragged from the carriage.

In horrifying footage of the incident, one of her arms can be seen flailing in panic as she falls out of the train. The man behind the camera can be heard shouting while passengers look on in horror.

The accident occurred on Sunday, Dec. 8, on a train in Sri Lanka.

Luckily, the woman, who had visited the country from China, was not seriously injured.

The train ground to a halt at the next stop and passengers walked back to help her.

The fall had caused her to land in some bushes.

Local police have reminded passengers on trains to pay attention to their surroundings at all times. They have also urged others to follow safety precautions.

Watch video below.

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