An expensive private jet belonging to a Nigerian has been seized by the US government over alleged fraud.
The private jet
The jet belonging to an unidentified Nigerian man has been seized by the United States Federal agents at the Peachtree DeKalb Airport on Tuesday.
According to
WSB-TV, their correspondent, Aaron Diamant, witnessed the seizure of the plane in a case that is said to be related to an international fraud scheme.
Diamant, who shared a video from the seizure on his verified Twitter handle said, “We’re alongside Federal agents as they seize a jet at @PDKAirport.”
It was reported that the federal agents went through the plane for evidence with a K-9 team for drugs and other contraband.
Special Agent Thor Whitmore of the Department of Homeland Security said, “For the most part, people don’t even understand. They don’t know what’s happening in Atlanta, Georgia. We’re looking at it as kind of a turn back to the 1980s.”
Investigators said the plane belongs to a Nigerian national charged in a multimillion-dollar international fraud scheme.