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BBNaija: I'm Attracted To Older Women – Laycon Tells Kiddwaya

Posted by Samuel on Fri 11th Sep, 2020 -

The BBNaija male housemates were having a discussion about relationships and choice of women.


Laycon, a Big Brother Naija, BBNaija housemate, has confessed that he is attracted to older women.

Laycon said this during a conversation with Kiddwaya on Friday morning.

The BBNaija male housemates were having a discussion about relationships and choice of women.

According to Laycon, older women have no stress when it comes to relationship hence reason he is attracted to them.

Laycon added that age is not a prerequisite for him when choosing a girlfriend.

He said: “I’m attracted to women older than me. Age does not have anything to do with relationship.

“The oldest I dated was four years older than me.

“Like when I was 19-year-old I dated someone who was 21-year-old.

“I date older women so there’s no conversation like ‘come and take me out’ and all of those things.”

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