Kennedy Okonkwo, a Nigerian real estate mogul, has taken to his Instagram page to shower love and affection to his wife, Ichechi, and mother of his children.
Ken expressed how important she is in the running of their family business.
He wrote; ''Dearest Love of my life ..
I have come to realise that ever since you left for vacation "The Glass House" is not a Home anymore without you.
Moreover The absence of Nicole,Ryan and Ivan makes it worse..
Everyone misses you in the office.
Despite the efforts I have been making to fill in the gap most clients prefer to tell me i have a meeting with your wife next week even the Team at the Head Office have gotten too fond of to dealing with you directly.
I had my first meeting with Precious your P.A yesterday cos I felt Jane had so much to handle on her plate and i can say you made an excellent choice hiring her.
Alex now stays in his cage but no longer barks ..can you imagine he doesn't run into the kitchen any more because Ivan isn't around.
Our Room is now the loneliest part of this home ..I sleep in your bed corner every night and I think I prefer it here cos I now sleep on my left arm not the right as I have been used to over the past 12years.
I ride your official Vehicle to work everyday and I even tried wearing your T shirt last Saturday but it didn't really fit like the way mine looks on you ..
I do not know what to write anymore because its been a long time I wrote you a letter and 1st time publicly..
Even though your team is selling out every project ..
I miss you dearly my Wife'