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A Nigerian man took to social media to seek advice after his wfe threatened to end their marriage over his refusal to pay off her mother’s N54M debt.
The man narrated how his mother-in-law sold a piece of land to two people which ended up in a court case.
According to the narrator, the mother-in-law and her late husband sold a piece of land to an abroad-based man for two million naira, only for the mother-in-law to resell the house some years later to another fellow at the cost of N54M.
Read the full narration below …
“Good evening good people of Ceetee nation. I’m a married man without a child yet. Married for 8months. My wife’s dad is late. Before he died, he sold his land to send my wife to school. She’s the first child in a family of 4. He sold the land 2million to a man staying in USA.
That was about 6years ago. My wife’s mum is a witness. After the death of my wife’s dad. My mother in law sold that land again to another man. This time around, she sold it 54million and bought another land near the same location but inside.
Bought the new land 9million and spent the rest of the money. The man in USA came back to develop his land and saw that they’ve fenced his land. He went to my mum in law and she took her to d new land she bought. Claiming that was the land he bought from them. She thought the man won’t notice.
She didn’t know that the man have the c/o. To cut d story short. Court gave her time to refund the 54million or face jail term. My wife is asking me to pay the 54million. She claimed if I don’t do that, it means I don’t love her and she will divorce me.
What my mum in law did is bad and she should face the law. Am I wicked for refusing to pay the money?”