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Woman's Samsung Phone Explodes and Bursts Into Flames As She Slept in Bed Next to Her Son (Photos)

Posted by Samuel on Thu 17th Mar, 2016 -

In what would serve as a warning to phone users, a woman and her baby boy have had a narrow escape from severe burns after her phone burst into flames just a few yards away from them.

Lucy Pinder and her son, Joseph
A woman, 28-year-old Lucy Pinder, was sleeping next to her three-year-old son Joseph with her phone charging on the floor, when the Samsung device suddenly started smoking and burst into flames.
The waitress, whose electrician husband Michael was sleeping downstairs, was sharing her bed with toddler Joseph when the phone woke her up with a giant bang.
Lucy said: "I woke up to a massive bang and the room was filled with thick smoke. Joseph was screaming and the smell of burning was unreal."
Lucy's husband Michael came running into the room after hearing the commotion, to find the phone had charred the carpet and bed.
Lucy, from Hull, Yorks., said: "Michael thought we'd been burgled and he came storming up the stairs into the room."
He put out the smouldering phone while Lucy took her son into the next room.
Lucy said: "We were so shaken up. If the phone had been charging under my pillow instead of on the floor, we would have been seriously burned.

"Now I'm terrified of leaving my phone on charge overnight."
The following day, Lucy took the phone into the EE shop where she'd bought it, and it was sent to Samsung's factory in Korea for diagnostics.
The factory could not find out what had caused the explosion, but sent the mum a new phone and £1200 to replace the scorched furniture.

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