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Regina Daniels And Husband, Ned Nwoko Show Off Dance Skills During Family Sports Day (Video)

Posted by Amarachi on Mon 10th Jun, 2024 - tori.ng

The actress took to Instagram to share the video from her family outing, where she, her co-wives, and stepchildren gathered at a tennis court to enjoy some sports together.

Regina and Ned Nwoko

A heartwarming video of popular Nigerian actress, Regina Daniels and her billionaire husband, Ned Nwoko, showing off their dance moves during their family sports day has surfaced.

The actress took to Instagram to share the video from her family outing, where she, her co-wives, and stepchildren gathered at a tennis court to enjoy some sports together.

During the event, they danced to the popular “Tshwala Bam” song, with her husband, Ned Nwoko, showcasing his impressive dance moves.

Regina and Ned also played table tennis, followed by a family meal.

Sharing the video of the happy family time on her Instagram page, Regina Daniels wrote: “Sunday family sports day 🫶🫶 Large family – More fun ❤️”

See Video Below;

See reactions to the video below;

ericogaga said: “Dream family of YUL but lack of money spoil the whole effort 😢 😂”

presh_kandy said: “Regina brought life and fun to this family 😍😍”

ysabel_avril noted: “No matter how una take garnish am polygamy will never look fun or cute to me😂”

uzy_fashion_stores observed: “Why is it only Regina son the man dey hold hand for all d children there?”

_makuochi_ said: “Omo Regina make polygamy look so fun, sweet😍”

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