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57-year-old Man With Two Wives Dies After S*x Romp With Married Lover

Posted by Victor on Wed 13th Feb, 2019 -

A man has lost his life in a most bizarre circumstance following a sexual encounter with his mistress in Lagos.

The hotel. Photo: Oluwatobi Akindele

A 57-year-old man, simply identified as Ismaila, has died after an alleged s*x romp with his married lover in a Lagos hotel.

PUNCH Metro gathered that Ismaila, who was married to two wives, had gone to the Ace Bar in the Akoka area of Yaba, Lagos, with his alleged mistress on Sunday.

It was learnt that around 7pm, the mistress called for help when her lover reportedly slumped.

A source, who preferred not to be named, said by the time Ismaila was taken to the hospital, he was confirmed dead.

The source said, “The incident happened around 7pm on Sunday. The man came in with the woman. After some time, she called for help saying that the man had slumped. As soon as the hotel management was alerted to the incident, the man was taken to the hospital where he was confirmed dead.

“Immediately the man was confirmed dead, his corpse was taken to the police station in a taxi together with the woman, and the case was reported. It was from there that the police took over the case and the body was deposited in the morgue for autopsy.”

A resident of the area, who spoke to our correspondent on condition of anonymity, however, said the mistress was also married and a nursing mother.

“The woman is a seamstress at the Sabo Market. She left her six-month-old baby to meet the man after church  service on Sunday. Her husband had been warning the man to leave his wife alone, all to no avail, and her husband had to bring the child to her at the police station after she was arrested.

“The man also had two wives and one of his daughters got married last year. He was a retiree and had just received his pension.

“The news going round is that after the sex romp, he took two bottles of water and while he was taking his bath, he slumped and foamy substances came out of his mouth. It is hard to tell if he died of cardiac arrest or due to unnatural circumstances,”
the source added.

When our correspondent visited the bar, efforts to speak with the manager proved abortive. The attendant claimed that the manager was not available and she refused to put a call through to him.

When the state Police Public Relations Officer, CSP Chike Oti, was contacted, he said investigation into the incident was ongoing.

“I can confirm that there was a case of sudden and unnatural death that was reported. We are investigating the case. The Commissioner of Police has directed the homicide section of the State Criminal Investigation Intelligence Department, Panti, to look into the matter and come up with its findings,” Oti stated.

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