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Bride-to-be And Two Friends Die Car Accident A Week To Her Wedding (Photos)

Posted by Thandiubani on Tue 15th Mar, 2022 - tori.ng

Kuteesa was set to get married next week to her fiancé Rabbie Kays Kitibwa with whom she got engaged to last year.

A young bride has died a painful death just weeks to her wedding.
The lady from Uganda identified as Damitat Kuteesa and two of her bestfriends have died in a car accident along the Entebbe Expressway in Uganda, just a week to her wedding. 
Kuteesa was set to get married next week to her fiancé Rabbie Kays Kitibwa with whom she got engaged to last year.
It was gathered that Kuteesa and the two friends identified as Prisca Nalugo and Nampijja Rina got involved in a horrible accident on Sunday, March 13, as they were returning from another friend’s bridal shower in Entebbe.
According to one of the eyewitnesses, Mawerere Joshua, the car lost control and sommersaulted several times. 
"It was a sad scene, the car rolled in front of us, we were driving behind them...seat belts saved the other two girls...while the ones in the back seat were tossed and thrown out of the car as it over turned. Their impact on the ground stole life out of them. It was sad, seeing them in that state minutes after them paying the toll fee." he said.
Meanwhile, friends and family members have taken to social media to mourn the trio. 

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