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Regina Daniels Meets Remi Tinubu (Photos)

Posted by Amarachi on Tue 03rd Oct, 2023 - tori.ng

Sharing photos from the event, Regina praised the First Lady for being an inspiration.


Nollywood actress and billionaire wife, Regina Daniels Nwoko could not hold back her joy after she met the First Lady of Nigeria, Sen Oluremi Tinubu.

The movie star had attended the 63rd Nigeria Independence Anniversary organized by the Christian Association of Nigeria, which had the First Lady in attendance.

Sharing photos from the event, Regina praised the First Lady for being an inspiration.




She wrote;

”Yesterday I attended the 63rd Nigeria independence anniversary organized by the christian association of Nigeria. it gladdens my heart to hear the first lady speak so passionate about our country ,she is truly inspiring. While we pray for a greater Nigeria let us be the change we truly seek for our great country Nigeria”.

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