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Full List: Eight Failed End-Of-The-World Predictions

Posted by Samuel on Sun 28th Apr, 2024 - tori.ng

There was a prediction by a self-acclaimed prophet, Prophet Metuh that the world will end on April 25.

Prophet Metuh

When it comes to discussions about the apocalypse and the end of the world, there appears to be no lack of specifics regarding the timing, method, and rationale. Some "prophets" claim absolute certainty that the world will cease to exist on particular dates.

There was a prediction by a self-acclaimed prophet, Prophet Metuh that the world will end on April 25.

Here are a few times the world has been predicted to end:

1: Millerite Movement (1844): A New England farmer named William Miller, after several years of careful study of his Bible, concluded that God’s chosen time to destroy the world could be divined from a strictly literal interpretation of scripture. As he explained to anyone who would listen, the world would end sometime between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844. When this did not happen, it became known as the Great Disappointment.

2: Heaven’s Gate (1997): The Heaven’s Gate cult believed that the comet a UFO accompanied Hale-Bopp and that they needed to commit suicide to reach a higher plane of existence before an imminent apocalypse. In March 1997, 39 members of the cult were found dead in a mass suicide.

3: Y2K (2000): Concerns arose that the transition from December 31, 1999, to January 1, 2000, would cause widespread computer malfunctions leading to societal collapse. While some computer glitches occurred, the feared doomsday scenario did not happen.

4: Harold Camping (2011): Harold Camping, president of the Family Radio Network, predicted that world would end in a series of rolling earthquakes known as “The Rapture on May 21, 2011, followed by the end of the world on October 21, 2011. These predictions failed to materialize.

5: Mayan Calendar (2012): The end of the Mayan Long Count calendar on December 21, 2012, led to speculation that it marked the end of the world, although Mayan scholars disputed this interpretation.

6.  Herbert W. Armstrong: The founder of the Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong, told members of his church that the Rapture would take place in 1936 and that only they would saved. After the prophecy failed, he changed the date three more times.

7. Mormon Armageddon: Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, called a meeting of his church leaders in February 1835 to inform them he had spoken to God and learned that Jesus would return within the next 56 years, after which the End of Times would begin.

8. Pat Robertson: In May 1980, televangelist and Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson startled and alarmed many when he informed his 700 Club that he knew when the world would end. “I guarantee you by the end of 1982 there is going to be a judgment on the world,” Robertson said.


Source: The Nation

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