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This Time Around Is Different – Atiku Says As He Officially Declares For 2023 Presidency

Posted by Thandiubani on Wed 23rd Mar, 2022 -

Atiku, the presidential candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2019 general election, announced his decision at the International Conference Centre in Abuja.

Atiku Abubakar has declared his intention to contest in the 2023 presidential election.
The former Vice President announced his decision at the International Conference Centre in Abuja on Wednesday.
He said: “The 2023 election is not just like the usual elections; it is a referendum to decide whether we want greatness or continuous destruction. It is a choice between two paths: the path of unity and progress or the path of division and backwardness.”

“We need a new kind of leadership that will steer us to a positive path. In 2023, we want a President who has ideas on how to fix Nigeria. We want a president who understands, inspires, and is empathetic.

“I have contested for the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria a couple of times in the past. My enduring persistence is borne out of my passion to rekindle the Nigerian dream that I was privileged to live.

“Nigeria is a land of possibility. There is no challenging background that will make any Nigerian give up. I am a living witness to what is possible in Nigeria.

“You and I know that Nigeria is in dire need of visionary leadership. Our fundamental principles and purpose as a nation have never been challenged as it is today. Presently, Nigeria is a sinking ship; it must be rescued urgently. That is why I am happy to announce my candidacy for the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, under the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

“I offer myself to rescue the sinking ship. Under my captainship, this ship will sail to a brighter course by the grace of God. However, this journey is not mine alone. It is a journey I am taking for all Nigerians. It is also a journey to a destination I planned with my late great mentor, Major General Shehu Musa Yar’adua, and with my beloved compatriot, the late, and great, Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola. May their souls rest in peace.”
Also, in a series of tweets from his Twitter handle, Atiku who has tried unsuccessfully in 1993, 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2019, said on Wednesday that he believes the 2023 outing would be different.
He added that he has never been as confident as he is feeling about the 2023 outing.

“I have never been this optimistic, and with your support and God’s grace, we will get to the promised land,” he wrote on Twitter.

“This time around is different; our journey will not end at the poll; we will get to work and rescue Nigeria. I invite every Nigerian to join me in this mission to save our dear country.

“Nigeria is a land of possibility. There is no challenging background that will make any Nigerian give up. I am a living witness to what is possible in Nigeria.

“Though we all have different lives and goals and desires we all want one future.”
The PDP 2019 presidential candidate lost to Muhammadu Buhari who was voted into office for a second term.
Atiku’s declaration for the 2023 presidency marks the sixth time he will be aspiring for the office of president.
The former vice president will contest the PDP presidential candidacy ticket alongside former Senate president Bukola Saraki, Ovation magazine publisher Dele Momodu, Sokoto State governor Aminu Tambuwal, Pius Ayim and other aspirants that will be joining the race.

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