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Regina Daniels Shares Video Of Healthy Breakfast 3-year-old Son Demands Every Morning

Posted by Amarachi on Tue 05th Dec, 2023 - tori.ng

She stated that this was Munir’s daily request, highlighting his consistent preference for the wholesome morning meal.


Popular Nigerian actress and billionaire wife, Regina Daniels has taken to TikTok to share a video of the breakfast her 3-year-old son, Munir, requests every morning.

In the video, Munir was seen enjoying his favorite English breakfast while his mother stared at him in awe.

The video showcased Munir relishing a plate of sliced fruits, vegetables, sausage, and boiled eggs, while Regina wondered about his food choices.

She stated that this was Munir’s daily request, highlighting his consistent preference for the wholesome morning meal.

Regina said; “How can moon eat this and I can”t? This is all he requests for every morning.”

See Video Below;

@reginadanielsnwoko321 How can My Baby Moon Eat This and I Can’t?🤦‍♀️ This Is All He Requests For Every Morning ,Even This Morning Too😩#reginadaniels #proudmom ♬ original sound - Regina Daniels Nwoko

Regina’s admiration for her son’s healthy choices resonated with her fans, who appreciated her dedication to Munir’s well-being.

@polinadaniel5 reacted: “Mummy boys how old is Moon.”

@585657267250 said: “Beauful Mrs Regina Daniels Nwoko a.k.a Mama Boys.”

@Veronica sunday said: “So beautitul.”

@enie commented: “Love you mama Moon.”

@star girl commented: “Mama Moon doing the most as one of the best moms out there & E massive love.”



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